Front-end frameworks such as Angular, Ember, Backbone, and React are also popular. The front-end is built using a combination of technologies such as Hypertext Markup Language , JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets . It’s not uncommon for companies to get tripped up by the “front-end versus back-end” divide when trying to navigate the development of new software. Both are necessary components for a high-functioning application or website. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

As such, the decision on the best framework to use depends on various factors such as security, ease of use, scalability, documentation, and more. So, start by understanding the requirements of the project or application you want to develop. Furthermore, its robust security features make the framework suitable for highly secure endeavors such as e-commerce projects, portals, CMS, forums, and many others. Some key features include a modern framework, fast builds, proper class inheritance, validation, and security. In addition, CakePHP provides great documentation, many support portals, and premium support through Cake Development Corporation.

At any point in time, you can go on vacation knowing another team member can pick up exactly where you left off. A large amount of development in PHP is maintaining and supporting legacy applications built using it. Before such a huge variety of options was available for running your backend server-side development, a combination of PHP and MySQL did the job for most companies’ web services. Using PHP frameworks simplifies the development process, which helps to minimize workload. Each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses, and they all vary in terms of community, documentation, and the database they support. Slim is another popular PHP micro-framework that helps developers quickly create simple but powerful web applications and APIs.

What Is Backend Development?

Knowledge of JavaScript frameworks, such as React and Angular, correlates with higher pay . On the comparison of PHP Vs JavaScript, PHP can hold a slight upper hand because of its open-source availability and simplicity. Instead of comparing these languages, better combine PHP and JavaScript to reap the benefits of both. Front-end technologies like Angular js, React js, Backbone.js, Ember.js, etc. When learning or programming two different languages, it is helpful to compare PHP vs JavaScript variables as these languages use different ways to declare them.

What is back-end PHP developer

As we’ve mentioned above, a back end developer’s job involves working with different databases. There are some differences between the mobile and the web development approach. Some programmers still claim that there is no point in discussing the differences between PHP and JavaScript as both cater to a different purpose in web site development. However, the advent of Node.js, Angular.js, and React.js enabled JavaScript to be applied to the server-side scripting as well.

Usage Of Php Vs Javascript For Web Development

They’re especially useful when developing mobile apps and working within a tight schedule. There are also a number of other popular databases including MySQL, NoSQL and PostgreSQL. Many of them use reliable enterprise-level databases like Oracle, Teradata, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, EnterpriseDB and SAP Sybase ASE.

  • PHP developers use Slim to develop RESTful APIs and web services.
  • On the comparison of PHP Vs JavaScript, PHP can hold a slight upper hand because of its open-source availability and simplicity.
  • It contains behind-the-scene activities that occur when performing any action on a website.
  • It’s then verified and communicated to the server, which pulls the necessary data from the database and sends it back to the user.
  • Yii is extremely extensible, and you can customize nearly every piece of the core’s code.
  • Similarly, 77.4% of all websites, which are ranked in the top 1,000,000, use PHP.

As PHP is Open Source, it can run on most of the operating systems available today like Windows, Mac OS, Linux or UNIX, etc. The Zend framework is a complete object-oriented framework, and the fact that it uses features such as interfaces and inheritance makes it extendable. It was built on the agile methodology, which helps you to deliver high-quality applications to enterprise clients.

Knowledge of database management tools, such as Oracle or MySQL is also very much in-demand. Back end development, on the other hand, creates “server-side” software. Back end developers take care of all server logic, databases, and client-server data flow. Even though most of a back end developer’s work can’t be seen at first glance, it remains the core of the application. Their code communicates the database information to the user or other back end systems.

Both PHP and JavaScript encompass different runtime environments. However, both can be effortlessly integrated with HTML code; each requiring different interpreters to run their code. PHP follows simple installation PHP Back-End Engineer job approach and uses Zend Engine as a compiler a well as the run-time engine. The reliability, extensibility, and performance of the Zend Engine play a significant role in the increasing popularity of PHP.

How To Choose The Right Tech Stack For Web And App Development

You’re super passionate about code, software development, and tech in general. You get some of your biggest kicks from finding solutions to complex problems. You obsess over finding not just any solution, but the best solution you’re capable of and avoid crappy shortcuts that aren’t scalable.

What is back-end PHP developer

Front-end and back-end developers do work in tandem to create the systems necessary for an application or website to function properly. The languages that a front-end developer should be familiar with are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript whereas Back End web developer should be familiar with the database, Server, API, etc. Back end developer also needs to involved in building frameworks or the architecture to make it easier to program against. Knowledge of web services or API is also important for full stack developers. Knowledge of creations and consumption of REST and SOAP services is desirable. PHP works on all operating systems and does not require any special software for web applications to render on the web browser.

Complete C++ Developer Salary Data

Back End web developer should have the skills for implementing algorithms and solving system related problems. Eastern Europe shares very similar rates to South America, again due to the economic differences. When looking at salaries in Eastern Europe, data shows that a Senior PHP Developer costs around $100,000 on average. With a strong understanding of how to use it with the technologies that you are currently using, or building a system from scratch.

Roles And Responsibilities Of Backend Developer

Leap to the next level in your career and shape the online shopping experience of millions of customers by building the best shop infrastructure. That helps development teams go-to-market faster with scalable apps that accelerate growth. The back-end, also called the server-side, consists of the server which provides data on request, the application that channels it, and the database which organizes the information. Screen size and network connection now have a wider variety, so developers have to balance those concerns when working on their user interfaces.

What Are The Most Important Back End Developer Skills?

It contains behind-the-scene activities that occur when performing any action on a website. It can be an account login or making a purchase from an online store. Code written by back-end developers helps browsers to communicate with database information.

PHP has built-in features and tools to protect web applications from security threats such as SQL injection, data tampering, and forgery. Introduced in 2012 and just like FuelPHP, PHPixie implements the HMVC design pattern. Its goal was to create a high-performance framework for read-only websites. FuelPHP is a flexible, full-stack PHP framework first released in 2011. Apart from supporting the MVC design pattern, it has its own version called the hierarchical model view controller .

Raygun Crash Reporting works with most PHP frameworks and will accurately help you detect and diagnose software errors. With smart PHP error monitoring software from Raygun, you can be alerted to issues affecting your users the second they happen. It’s the best framework for a small web application that doesn’t necessarily require a full-stack PHP framework.

Most common example of Backend programming is when you are reading an article on the blog. The fonts, colors, designs, etc. constitute the frontend of this page. While the content of the article is rendered from a server and fetched from a database.

PHP is an open-source programming language which means that developers can use it without paying for it. PHP frameworks are also free to use which makes building web applications faster and easier. It’s easy to get started with PHPixie, which is suitable for social networking websites, customized web applications, and web app development services.

Many web applications on the internet still use PHP as their backend technology. On top of this, there is a huge framework of established functions that can be relied on to build a diverse range of server-side modules and applications. One of the advantages of being an older language is that PHP has a massive community of developers, and a wide range of documentation to help you get started using it. PHP is also considered to be easy to work with, making finding talent proficient in it less hard than some other more niche programming languages.

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