A lovely purple blossom plant that adds stunning color to garden beds when flowering. The Lavender plant and its fragrant leaves are used as a scent in many cleaning products, as well as in sachet pouches. Male mosquitoes like to eat certain plant nectar such as water lilies, papyrus, water hyacinths, or taro. If you have a backyard pond or fountain, especially with standing water, you have unwillingly created a breeding ground for these irritating pests. Only female mosquitoes will bite humans and animals for blood to feed on and for eggs. A member of the mint family, lavender blooms are long-lasting perennials.

garden valley

  • These can be a more natural option that treating a pond with chemical pesticides.
  • You have to use the plants to repel mosquitoes correctly.
  • Your cat’s favorite herb is also perfect for keeping mosquitoes away.

Gardeners appreciate the waving blue wands of foliage from early summer through Autumn on plants that need no deadheading. Just the other night I was outside with my kids and suddenly counted 8 mosquitos on my legs with others swarming around me. Even though they helped resurrect the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, most of the time they’re just pesky AF. How many times have you shooed and slapped mosquitoes away who try to suck your blood? Cottage garden favorites including Sweet William, cheddar pinks and carnations will add an attractive pop of color to any yard.

Keep Mosquitos Away Naturally! With These Plants

According to New York Botanical Garden, the most prevalent aroma is peppermint, which https://morningside-farm.com/ smells like citronella grass. SourceTo release the aromatic oils, just crush the leaves. Plus, all summer long, you’ll be able to enjoy gorgeous blooms in tones of red, pink, lavender, white, or purple. Grow it in pots on your patio so you can reach it if you wish to throw a leaf or two into your afternoon tea. You may even dry the leaves and use them as a natural pest control strategy inside your house.

Plants That Keep Mosquitoes Away

As a bonus, they’re easy to grow and reach a large range of USDA zones. CatnipEating garlic may not rid your homestead of vampire-esque insects, but growing garlicaround your property might. Garlic sprays and teas can also help with other pests such as nematodes, Japanese beetles and mites. However, you’ll need a safe carrier oil, alcohol, and water.

However, test them out on a small patch to see if you react badly to them. Otherwise, they are safe for indoor protection against mosquitoes. Eucalyptus plants repel mosquitoes and can be a welcome, fragrant addition to your yard, deck, or patio. Native to Australia, eucalyptus plants are not suited for cold weather. If you live in a climate with colder winters, grow your eucalyptus plant in a pot and bring it indoors when the temperatures drop. This plant thrives when placed in rich soil and full sun.

Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Naturally

These are the times to make sure you have thriving plants in the house to keep out the mosquitoes. So it’s definitely worth putting a little extra effort in keeping your home and yard mosquito free. Pennyroyal has pretty purple flowers, and comes in an American and a European variety. Both will work but the European one is a little better for pest control. Under optimal conditions, lavender can grow quite large. Be prepared to re-pot in a larger container as time goes by, or split this perennial up into smaller plants as it grows.

You can use a potted citronella plant as a natural mosquito repellent in your home. Lemongrass – Lemongrass is sometimes confused for citronella grass, but they are two different plants with different qualities. One quality that they share is the ability to ward off mosquitoes when crushed to release their oils. The smoke created from burning rosemary wards off mosquitoes. Next, install a bat house to encourage these nocturnal feeders to spend more time in your yard.

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